
The TurkeyPen trailhead is in the southeastern corner of the Pisgah Ranger District.  It’s got a couple advantages – first there’s a ton of interconnecting trails here so it’s pretty easy to customize a loop of the size you want.   That’s actually a rarity in western NC.     Secondly, many of the trails run along rivers and creeks so it’s a good area when it’s hot out, or when your dog wants to spend all day lying in rivers and creeks.

Mills Crossing

Our dog wanted to spend all day lying about in creeks.   This is the Mills River.  It’s an important feature of the Turkeypen area because several trails cross it.   Most of them literally just run into the river and continue out the other side (see it over there?).   If there’s been a lot of rain recently this can be a very wet proposition.


There is one suspension bridge over the river.   Dogs apparently are not fond of swinging bridges.    There were quite a lot of people in the area during our hike.   Probably more than half of them were fishing along the Mills so we only saw a handful of other people along the trails.


We did come across this snake though.   It’s impossible to tell from this picture but this was actually about a 4 foot long snake.  We think it was a racer and it was probably either pregnant or it had just eaten one of those annoying yap dogs we’d passed earlier.   Kudos to the snake either way.