Roan Mountain

There are several ways up Roan Mountain by trail and one by road.  The AT ascends to Toll House Gap from both north and south.  From the north (near the town of Buladean) is a rugged 2000 ft climb over about 3 miles.  The AT intersects the road in Toll House Gap which was once the site of the Cloudland Hotel.  Now it’s just a nice grassy bald with great views into both Tennessee and North Carolina.


From here there is a spur trail that leads along the ridge, parallel to the road out to Roan High Bluff.  This is a particularly worthwhile hike in shoulder seasons (like March) because the road up isn’t open yet so the top of Roan is almost certainly going to be deserted.  The view from Roan High Bluff is also fantastic.

Roan High Bluff

From Toll House Gap to the north along the AT is a more popular hike down to Carvers Gap which has a large parking area.  Along the way is the highest shelter on the AT at a slight side trail to Roan High Knob.

Roan Benchmark

At 6285 and 6267, both Roan High Knob and Roan High Bluff qualify among the 40 peaks that make up the South Beyond 6000 challenge sponsered by the Carolina and Tennnessee Eastman Hiking Clubs.  In fact, these are two of the easier peaks to get to (no bushwhacking).  The Knob is marked by a USGS benchmark and is a basically a rock outcrop just past the shelter.

Roan High Knob